Facing Our Fears and Letting Go of the Past With Stefanos Sifandos

The Front Row Dad Show
344: Facing Our Fears and Letting Go of the Past With Stefanos Sifandos
Gentlemen, when’s the last time you dove deep into your insecurities, faced them head-on, and talked about them openly? Society doesn’t encourage us to do that as men. Instead, it encourages us to achieve more and do more.
So, how can we be better Dads and husbands if we’re unwilling to conquer our inner pain? If we choose to ignore it, we’re giving it the power to resurface in our relationships when we least expect it.
I’m so thankful to be sharing this conversation with Stefanos Sifandos. He’s a behavioral scientist, relationships expert, trained educator, and the co-founder of Elementum Coaching Institute and the MPowered Brotherhood.
Stefanos is someone who went through great pain and trauma that drove his relationships to the ground. One day, he stopped running from himself and explored his psyche. That journey made him more present, more loving, and not afraid to share his insecurities with his loved ones.
I love that Stefanos admits that even with all his training and experience, he still has flaws, just like anyone else. Instead of crippling him, those flaws show him how to be a better man.
In our conversation, he talks about how we can arrive at the same place by identifying our weak points and being honest with ourselves and our loved ones. And then to dig deeper about openly discussing our vulnerabilities instead of hiding behind them.
Stefanos Sifandos Podcast Highlights
- If we do the inner work, it can help us to be better men.
- Nothing stunts your growth more than avoiding pain and conflict.
- How healing our core wounds makes us more supportive of others.
- The benefits of having a brotherhood that’s brutally honest with you.
- What happens when we allow ourselves to fully feel and embrace all negative emotions and let them go.
Stefanos Sifandos Links & Other Resources
- Stefanos Sifandos’ Website
- Follow Stefanos Sifandos on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
- Elementum Coaching Institute
- MPowered Brotherhood
- The Labyrinth of Life: Passages of Truth Expressed Through Thought-Provoking Wisdom by Stefanos Sifandos
- Tuned In & Turned On: Bring Conscious Sexuality & Sacred Connection Into Your Life by Stefanos Sifandos
Stefano Sifandos Bio
Stefanos Sifandos is a behavioral scientist, trained educator, and relationships expert. He is passionate about helping people free themselves from destructive behaviors and move closer to their highest potential.
He is also the co-founder of the Elementum Coaching Institute, the MPowered Brotherhood – a global men’s movement, and Love Amplified with his wife Christine.
Stefanos has worked with thousands of men and women from all over the world; Special Forces soldiers, Olympic gold medalists, high-performing CEOs and entrepreneurs, elite fighters, and everyday people have relied on him to restructure and reframe their relationships with themselves and their loved ones.
He helps people improve the quality of their relationships through proven methodologies of neuroscience, neuro-empowerment practices, and integration of both Eastern and Western psychology and spiritual practices.
He has also authored two books leveraging his expertise in behavioral science, relationships, the trauma he chose to move through, and his understanding of peak human performance.
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While most dads would say that family matters most, the challenge is they feel guilty knowing their careers get the best of them, and their family seems to get the rest of them.
We help Dads become family men with businesses, not businessmen who have families, so they can thrive personally AND professionally.
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