We Are Family Men With Businesses Not Businessmen With Families

Of the 70 million fathers in the US, how many inspire you?  We gather epic family men with businesses in Front Row Dads, and legendary conversations are 1 degree away at any given moment.




Start Doing "This Season" With Solid Men

How present are you with the kids? Do you manage priorities well? Do you have priorities? By putting hundreds of men in your corner, you’re setting your family up to get your very best, not what’s left over. You’ll be blown away by the concurrent effect this will have on your business.

Take Action With 1 Week Of Our Best FREE FRD Tools

We’d Like To Share 6 Resources That Can Help You To Connect With Your Kids, Your Spouse & Your Values At The Highest Level.

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Maybe the biggest benefit of FRD, is showing our kids HOW to be in great relationships.

Where High Capacity Men Gather to Evolve

Our mission is to create an intentional space where high-capacity “family men with businesses” can build powerful RELATIONSHIPS, discover RESOURCES that serve your family, and deliver big RESULTS for generations to come. 


around conscious commitments for exponential evolution. We take bold action, amplify strengths, defy odds and courageously step into every challenge.


by having a humble curiosity for growth & contribution. We relentlessly pursue learning opportunities and growth strategies for a collective win through shared resources.


 to our families and business from this open space of love & grace. We choose to be unfiltered, unmasked, true, trusting so that transparency now leads to boundless transformation.

We're Honored to Learn With & From Extraordinary Humans

Authors and entrepreneurs with 1M+ books sold

Speakers with 40+ years of experience

Community leaders of epic masterminds

Front Row Dad Podcast: Real Stories, Real Strategies, Real Impact

Dive deep into the world of fatherhood with our Front Row Dads Podcast – show tailored for family men with businesses. Each episode unravels true stories from fathers who’ve been there, done that. From the highs and lows of parenting to the challenges and rewards of being a husband, we cover it all. 

Since First Establishing Our Roots in 2016


Dads applied to join the Brotherhood


Kids lives impacted worldwide


Net Promoter Score


Membership renewal

The Six Pillars of the Brotherhood

At the heart of the Brotherhood lies a commitment to holistic growth, encompassing every facet of fatherhood. Our six pillars are designed to guide, support, and elevate your journey.

Wealth & Legacy​

Go beyond financial prosperity. Learn to responsibly harness your resources to craft an abundant life for your children and future generations. What legacy will you leave behind?

Vibrant Health

Stepping fully into practices that elevate our mental, physical and spiritual states so we may best serve our family, business and community.

Thriving Marriage

Reignite the spark and build a partnership that’s both dynamic and nurturing. Provide a model for your children of what a loving, healthy relationship looks like. When was the last time you truly connected with your spouse?

Intentional Parenting​

Be more than just present. Be an active participant in your child’s life, nurturing their emerging genius with curiosity and love. Are you fostering their true potential?

Business Evolution​

Structure your business with family at its core. Choose to be a family man with a business, not the other way around. Is your business serving your family’s needs?

Emotional Intelligence

Cultivate self-awareness, empathy, and deep insights. Navigate life’s challenges from a solid, stable state of being. How in tune are you with your emotions and those of your loved ones?

Legends of Front Row Dads

Our members’ experiences speak volumes about the impact of our community. Hear their stories and see the real-life transformations that embody the spirit of Front Row Dads.

Kasim Aslam

Founder of Solutions 8

Michael Wagner

Founder of Storage Rebellion

Justin Donald

Founder of Lifestyle Investor

“When I look back on my life, I believe I’ll be most proud of the ‘work’ I’ve done within my family. The Front Row Dads membership has unquestionably helped me be a better father and husband, which in the end will help every generation of Elrods for years to come.”

Hal Elrod

The Miracle Morning Author

Start With A Summit

Surround yourself with guys who choose to put family first, and not just talk about it. Join 80+ other Front Row Dads at our next summit.

We're Here to Help and Listen

Whether you have questions, feedback, or just want to share your biggest win as a family man with a business with us, we’re all ears. Reach out, and we will get back to you ASAP.

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