Andy Heller

Taking the High Road and Navigating Divorce Gracefully with Andy Heller

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379: Taking the High Road and Navigating Divorce Gracefully with Andy Heller

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379: Taking the High Road and Navigating Divorce Gracefully with Andy Heller           379: Taking the High Road and Navigating Divorce Gracefully with Andy Heller          
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    Imagine being married for eight years, and suddenly, it’s all over. That’s what happened to Andy Heller. Despite being a complete badass real estate investing consultant, Andy felt clueless during his divorce.

    After the dust settled, Andy identified a gaping hole in the self-help space for men and women, leaving them stranded without the tools to go their separate ways and create the best possible outcomes for themselves and their kids.

    That’s how his new book, Take the High Road: Divorce with Compassion for Yourself and Your Family, was born, and I’m thrilled to share this conversation with you today.

    This book is not a cookie-cutter self-help guide. It’s the ultimate roadmap for navigating divorce with grace, protecting your assets (and sanity), and securing the best possible future for your loved ones.

    In our conversation, you’ll learn:

    • How to tell whether you should pull the trigger and get a divorce.
    • Ways to avoid getting sucked into a divorce power struggle.
    • How to navigate parenting when your kids are raised in two households.

    Here are my favorite moments from our conversation:

    • The more you compromise with your ex-spouse, the better it is for you and your kids.
    • Taking care of your children’s emotional needs during and after the divorce.
    • How to tell if your marriage is beyond saving or just needs rekindling.
    • The often neglected strategy that saves 18% of marriages.
    • Anger and resentment drag you behind. Forgiveness paves the way for a brighter future.
    “During a divorce, your emotions are heightened, and you’re not able to recognize the positive things your former spouse is doing.” - @AndyHHeller Share on X “If there’s no trust in the relationship, it’s really difficult to salvage a marriage.” - @AndyHHeller Share on X “You don’t want your experiences to impact your children’s ability as adults to have healthy romantic relationships.” - @AndyHHeller Share on X “The faster you can forgive a person, the healthier it will be for yourself to move on.” - @AndyHHeller Share on X

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    Andy Heller Bio

    Andy Heller

    Andy Heller is a husband and father of two kids. He teaches real estate investing to new and seasoned investors nationwide. Born in Canada, Andy emigrated to the United States as a child. He graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science, double majoring in Finance and Marketing.

    Andy co-authored two real estate investing books and had no intention of writing another book. After his own divorce, he saw a massive gap in the self-help space for men and women navigating through divorce. His new book, “Take the High Road,” is his “give back” effort to make the process easier for those who are considering or who are on the divorce path.

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