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We’d Like To Share 6 Resources That Can Help You To Connect With Your Kids, Your Spouse & Your Values At The Highest Level.

Get Resources Based On Our Six Pillars

At the heart of the Brotherhood lies a commitment to holistic growth, encompassing every facet of fatherhood. Our six pillars are designed to guide, support, and elevate your journey.

Wealth & Legacy​

Go beyond financial prosperity. Learn to responsibly harness your resources to craft an abundant life for your children and future generations. What legacy will you leave behind?

Vibrant Health

Stepping fully into practices that elevate our mental, physical and spiritual states so we may best serve our family, business and community.

Thriving Marriage

Reignite the spark and build a partnership that’s both dynamic and nurturing. Provide a model for your children of what a loving, healthy relationship looks like. When was the last time you truly connected with your spouse?

Intentional Parenting​

Be more than just present. Be an active participant in your child’s life, nurturing their emerging genius with curiosity and love. Are you fostering their true potential?

Business Evolution​

Structure your business with family at its core. Choose to be a family man with a business, not the other way around. Is your business serving your family’s needs?

Emotional Intelligence

Cultivate self-awareness, empathy, and deep insights. Navigate life’s challenges from a solid, stable state of being. How in tune are you with your emotions and those of your loved ones?

The Front Row Dad Show

Breaking Patterns, Building Legacies: Dr. Oubre on Creating Deep Family Connections

The Front Row Dad Show         The Front Row Dad Show        
Breaking Patterns, Building Legacies: Dr. Oubre on Creating Deep Family Connections           Breaking Patterns, Building Legacies: Dr. Oubre on Creating Deep Family Connections          
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