Passive Income Strategies for Financial Freedom and Building Family Foundations with Dave Allred

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Dave Allred talks about how he ran away from a rough childhood and homelife when he was 17, how he survived on ramen noodles and barely scraped by, and how those struggles pushed him to become a millionaire by 26 and build a real estate kingdom by 36.

Plus, you’ll hear some gems on teaching your kids to be business-savvy from an early age – including the story of how his 16-year-old daughter bought herself a Tesla by teaming up with him in a business deal. Talk about savvy!

A Wide-Ranging Conversation Through…

  • Living off of ramen noodles at 17
  • Taking ownership, even in tough times
  • Why suffering breeds excellence
  • Life-changing trip to Peru
  • Taking the harder path, always
  • Teach your kids to fail fast
  • Experiences that create family bonds
  • You’ll never regret prioritizing family
  • My 16-year-old bought a Tesla!
  • Kids in a board meeting? Hell yes!
  • The more you give, the more you live
  • Creating value for 10 million people
  • Best way to invest your hard-earned cash
  • Purpose-driven financial goals


“My core motivator is freedom. I want a ton of freedom to be doing what I want to do, when I want to do it, with the people I want to do it with.” - Dave Allred Share on X “I will never regret the moments and time I’ve spent with my family.” - Dave Allred Share on X “The very best investment you can make is in those six inches of real estate between your ears.” - Dave Allred Share on X


Dave Allred Bio

Dave AllredDave Allred is the Managing Partner and CEO of Axia Partners, a public speaker and executive business consultant, and a prominent figure in the real estate world. Allred’s life reflects what a person can do when they live with intentionality and a willingness to “Do today what others won’t, so tomorrow you can have what others can’t.”

Born into a destitute family and entirely on his own at age 17, Dave first reset the standards of his life by becoming a millionaire at age 26 during his 15-year leadership career with Vivint, the nation’s largest smart home security company. After eight years as Regional V.P. of Sales, he transitioned to help grow sister company Vivint Solar.  Dave led 121 sales teams across 41 states over his leadership career, contributing to both companies going public with multi-billion dollar valuations.

At age 30, after reverse engineering how much passive income from real estate he’d need for true financial freedom, Dave committed to building a portfolio with ownership in 1,000 rental doors by age 40. He achieved his goal and launched Axia Partners, a fund focused on recession-resilient commercial real estate.

Along the way, Dave has created a life focused on family, freedom, value, and purpose. He’s traveled to over 55 countries, a Mt. Everest expedition, spoken on stages worldwide, and mentored thousands to live life fully with purpose and freedom through his unique “Lifestyle Design” system.

Today, Dave’s mission is creating value and inspiring others to achieve freedom through lifestyle investing. He’s committed to helping as many people achieve financial freedom through passive income real estate as possible. And, along with his ride-or-die wife and four beautiful children, he’s launched the Allred Family Foundation to give back and help the charitable causes his children have chosen to support.

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