front row dads fitness challenge

L4 Fitness Challenge: Creating the Energy You Need To Lead in 2019

About The L4 Fitness Challenge

Front Row Dads will kick off our 2019 fitness challenge.


Our commitment is to 5 areas of life, and it’s no mistake that health is #1.

  1. Vibrant Health (Physical, Mental, Spiritual)
  2. Emotional Mastery (Self-control)
  3. Thriving Relationships (Marriage)
  4. Intentional Parenting (Education)
  5. Integrated Living (Calendar)

It’s been said, “If you have your health, you have 100 goals, but without health, you only have one.

When you’re in optimal shape, physically, mentally, and spiritually, what kind of father, husband and family man are you?

The FRD members are committed to finding optimal health, performance and impact. My guess is… you do to, which is why you’re reading this.

I know many of you already have lots of friends.

If you’re like me, you appreciate them each differently, AND at the same time, you feel like you’re still in search of different, deeper, and focused conversations on family stuff, that for many men, rarely gets talked about.

Right now, 65 of the best men I know, have committed to being “family men with businesses, not businessmen with families.

They understand that when you’re kicking ass in life, you share what’s working, and when you’re getting your ass kicked, you ask for help.

If you would value a brotherhood that holds you to a higher standard, and one that focuses on family first, this might be the “sign” you’ve needed.

Ready to shake shit up? Want to find another gear? Let’s make 2019 YOUR best year ever.

If your health, mindset, marriage, kids and calendar were everything you hope for, what would that look like 365 days from now?

What is your plan for growth this year?

Who are you going to run the race with?

Go alone and you’ll go fast, go together and you’ll go far.

Let’s make it happen boys. No time to waste!

Join The Brotherhood

Join the Front Row Dads private Facebook community so you can ask questions, share ideas, and be part of a supportive group of incredible brothers who help one another navigate the role of marriage and fatherhood.