Prevent Meltdowns Playfully with Arel Moodie

Show Highlights

When it comes to being a great father, husband and businessman, there’s no better person to talk to than Arel Moodie. Arel and I met about 11 years ago at an event, and since then I have watched his career take off.

Family man and co-author of The Peculiar Purple Penguin Children’s Book, Arel Moodie has been with his wife for 17 years and they have two wonderful kids together.

When he’s not helping his kids find purple penguin clues he can be found giving motivational speeches to schools and businesses or coaching consultants.

Today, he joins the podcast to discuss what rules and activities help him better connect with his kids and what it took to create “The Peculiar Purple Penguin” book, an essential guide to helping an upset child calm down and focus during a meltdown.

Key Takeaways

  • How can you balance ‘kids being kids’ and teaching responsibility – training your kids with the right principles and creating age appropriate responsibilities.
  • Who was a role model for Arel growing up, and what was missing that he’s now trying to fulfill as a father himself?
  • How to demonstrate a great relationship with your wife to your kids and teach them respect for their mother.
  • How did “The Peculiar Purple Penguin” come to be – learning how to fight with your wife the right way and channeling your children’s anger into focus.
  • Revealing the secrets of a great story and what the writing process of a children’s book is like.
  • Why it’s important not to be superman in public but Clark Kent at home.

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