dads retreat jon vroman

The Best of the Dads Retreat: Top Takeaways From 32 Epic Dads (and One Amazing Doc)

About The Front Row Dad’s Retreat

The purpose and goal of the Front Row Dad’s Retreat event, is to facilitate an experience with good guys, who would value and add value to discussion around best practices in fatherhood.

I don’t know of a single event that helps Dads thrive in the way that I want to. We’re making that event here, for the first time ever.

We will create a space for exploring questions, issues and opportunities to maximize one of our greatest callings. This group will leave with an expanded support network and game-plan for parenting success.

**Many in the group are already epic fathers.  None of us are ever done learning, and sometimes the best dads are the ones still interested in improving.

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Let's Keep This Relationship Going

Let's Keep This Relationship Going

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