This Deserves Love with Philip McKernan

Philip McKernan is a courageous husband and a father of two amazing kids. He is an Inspirational Speaker, Writer & Filmmaker. Philip has worked with entrepreneurs and business leaders all over the world.

Philip is  the founder and is spearheading  the One Last Talk™ movement. As a speaker, he has inspired and challenged the Canadian Olympic Team and The Pentagon to name a few. He has traveled to 80 countries around the globe, built an orphanage in Peru, written 5 books despite being dyslexic and created his first documentary film called Give & Grow.

Philip believes the path to a happy and fulfilling life is found through the meaning we derive in life through the WORK we do, our relationship to OTHERS and the most important relationship of all, the one with one’s SELF.

Today, he joins the podcast to discuss how to build and cultivate a strong relationship with your children and recover from failures as a parent.


  • Enlightenment not entitlement
  • Travelling with kids
  • Understanding and honoring the your child’s problems
  • How to cultivate breakthrough moments with people
  • Hearing vs. Listening
  • How to recover from your failures as a parent
  • How to approach apologies with your children
  • How to put your family first
  • Why an apology must begin with forgiveness
  • Healing your past wounds as a father/parent
  • Closure for your past



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The Front Row Dad Show

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