Put Your Phone Down and Turn Screen Time Into Family Time with GoAro.com founders Heath Wilson and Joey Odom

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It’s no secret that smartphones are the ultimate buzzkill for quality time with family. I’m sure most of us have been guilty of being on our phones more than we’d like to admit. And today’s guests, Heath Wilson and Joey Odom, are on a mission to change that.

These guys are the brains behind Aro, a company on a mission to help people put down their phones so they can be fully present while spending time with family. So far, their app has helped people save more than 100,000 hours of screen time, and they’re just getting started!

If you’re like most people and feel that your phone usage is getting a little out of hand, I promise this conversation will be worth your while. As a special gift, FRD members also get to try out the Aro app for 30 days at no charge. Just use the code frontrowdads at checkout. 👍

In our conversation, we dig into:

  • How smartphones destroy vulnerability and intimacy.
  • Why discipline won’t help you break free from your smartphone addiction.
  • How constantly staring at your screen sends the wrong cues to your kids.

Here are my favorite moments from our conversation:

  • Moments missed with loved ones are moments lost forever.
  • Teach your kids to value your presence.
  • How putting down your phone can transform your relationships.
  • Why our environment can make or break our tech addiction.
  • One habit to rule them all.
  • How groups of men can support healthy tech habits.
“When you’re one-on-one with your spouse, the last thing you want is the phone in front of you.” - Joey Odom Share on X “It’s such a freaking opportunity for us dads with young kids to show them all of our presence and acceptance by just putting this small device away.” - Heath Wilson Share on X “When you change your relationship with your phone, you change your relationship with everyone around you.” - Joey Odom Share on X

Heath Wilson & Joey Odom Links & Other Resources

Heath Wilson & Joey Odom Bio

heath wilson joey odom

Heath Wilson is the co-founder of Aro and is an entrepreneur, visionary, culture builder, and idea generator. Heath co-founded eVestment before Aro and sold the company to NASDAQ in 2018. His experience in data-driven solutions, coupled with his role as a husband and a father of four, led Heath to help develop Aro. As co-founder of Aro, he is committed to helping people, companies, and families create healthy relationships with their technology through passionate leadership and expertise.

Joey Odom is the co-founder of Aro and is a natural storyteller and a dynamic leader known for his ability to inspire and foster deep connections with others. His experience with technology as a husband and dad led Joey to help create Aro alongside co-founder Heath Wilson. Now, Joey’s ultimate goal is to help people change their lives by changing their relationship with technology. Before co-founding Aro, Joey was an executive at a commercial real estate firm. He has been married to his wife, Cristin, for 18 years and is a dad of two teens.

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