Dinner Dates with Your Kids, Winning at Work and Succeeding in Life with Brad Johnson and Michael Hyatt

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Brad Johnson’s taking over as host for episode 400 and interviewing the one and only, Michael Hyatt. You’ll quickly realize that both of these Dad’s never stop learning and are on a mission to uncover the secrets to great parenting and crafting a rewarding family life.

Michael’s early career in the publishing business had some huge wins, but at what cost? Despite making more money than ever before, he was completely failing his family. His wife Gail felt like a single mother raising 5 daughters. It was a difficult pill to swallow, but that convo lead to a complete 180 in the way Michael showed up for his family from that point forward.

In this episode, you’ll learn why it’s possible to win in both business and life — and Michael’s strategies for making it possible.

A Wide-Ranging Conversation Through…

  • Family first because what else really matters?
  • When wins feel like failures
  • Having “double wins” in life
  • Marry someone who calls out your BS
  • Best gift for your kids? A healthy marriage
  • The question that could save your marriage
  • Schedule your date nights fellas
  • Living in the moment
  • Raising independent kids


“What if we can win at work and succeed in life? What if we see our businesses grow and our careers be really successful but not at the expense of our health and our most important relationships?” - @MichaelHyatt Share on X “If we’re not really intentional in designing our whole lives, not just our careers, that's a recipe for disaster.” - @MichaelHyatt Share on X “The shortest distance between where I am and where I want to be is the truth. And the truth is usually one of those things that’s difficult to see by ourselves.” - @MichaelHyatt Share on X “The most important gift you can give your kids is a healthy marriage.” - @MichaelHyatt Share on X


Michael Hyatt Bio

Michael Hyatt is the founder and chairman of Full Focus. He has scaled multiple companies over the years, including a $250M publishing company with 700+ employees and his own goal-achievement company that has grown over 60% yearly for the past four years. Under his leadership, Full Focus has been featured in the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing companies in America for three years in a row, and in 2020, the company was named to Inc.’s Best Work Places list.

He is also the author of several New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling books, including Platform, Living Forward, Your Best Year Ever, Free to Focus, The Vision Driven Leader, and his newest book (with his daughter Megan) Mind Your Mindset.

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