Conflict Resolution, Getting Triggered with Trauma, The Silent Treatment and Repairing Relationships with Jayson Gaddis

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Today, I’m chatting with Jayson Gaddis. Jayson is an author, speaker, coach, and relationship expert with a knack for understanding human behavior. Jayson is the creator of the Interpersonal Intelligence® and Present Centered Relationship Coaching® and the Founder of The Relationship School, and has trained over 200 coaches in 11 countries.

In our conversation, we dig into the wounds that are created from conflict in our relationships and how to repair them. We share some facepalm moments with our family, the times when we lost it with our partners or kids and ended up making things worse. Jayson shares thoughtful insights on why that might happen, pointing to those unresolved issues from the past that sneak up on us.

You’ll also walk away with some practical advice and strategies on how we can change those patterns, connect more deeply with loved ones, and do it all without sacrificing our self-respect.

A Wide-Ranging Conversation Through…

  • Trauma, triggers and the silent treatment
  • Getting to the root of relationship issues
  • Relationship conflict repair 101
  • Listen first, then take responsibility
  • Repairing conflict in front of the kids is a good thing
  • Taking ownership and responsibility with empathy
  • Feelings first, facts later
  • It’s what you say, and how you say it
  • Letting kids feel all the feels
  • Wisdom on relationships, parenting, business, and health
“Daily disconnections aren’t the issue, but unrepaired disconnections are.” - Jayson Gaddis Share on X “Our memories are super flawed under stress. Don’t bother with the facts. What matters is how your partner feels.” - Jayson Gaddis Share on X


Jayson Gaddis Bio

Jayson Gaddis is an artist, author, podcaster, speaker, executive coach, CEO, founder, human behavior specialist, and relationship expert. He is the creator of Interpersonal Intelligence® and Present Centered Relationship Coaching® and has trained over 200 coaches in 11 countries.

His book Getting to Zero: How to Work Through Conflict In Your High Stakes Relationships was voted Editors Choice, Best Non-fiction, and Best Leadership and Business Book in 2021 on Amazon.

He’s been married to his amazing wife since 2007 and has two beautiful kids. They live in Boulder, Colorado. When he doesn’t live and breathe this relationship stuff with his family, he pretty much gets his ass handed to him.

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