Solo Adventures, Living a Bucket List Life and Conquering the Camino Frances with Chris Emick

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Chris Emick is the CEO of Go Bucket Yourself, a community dedicated to living a bucket list life full of adventure, connection, growth, and creativity. If you check him out on Instagram, you’ll definitely get the whole picture.

Chris invested in real estate early with his corporate job and has created enough passive income to buy his time back by going on epic adventures (solo and with the family) and is also helping others create their own.

In our conversation, we’ll talk about the rewards of going on solo adventures to work on our ego, test our endurance and mindset, and practice gratitude. And, of course, you’ll definitely want to hear about the incredible 30-day adventure, hiking over 500 miles and climbing 6,000 feet of elevation on the Camino Frances.

You’ll also learn a valuable lesson from his rain gear story, how it’s a worthy investment when adventuring, what happens when you don’t have one, and how he solved the problem.

A Wide-Ranging Conversation Through…

  • Introduction – Go Bucket Yourself
  • Doing ego work on solo adventures
  • Vacation>recharge>drop back into chaos
  • Conquering the Camino Frances
  • A better rain jacket sure would be nice
  • Applying lessons to real life struggles
  • Creating imaginary force fields for protection
  • Practicing spirituality and gratitude on the mountain
  • The power of exploring nature alone
  • Why Front Row Dads is a great fit for some, but not all
“When I do these solo trips, I can just be me. And being yourself for that long of time, that's connecting to the divine.” - Chris Emick Share on X “You're always a dad, your fatherhood journey is not done. Ever.” - Jon Vroman Share on X


Chris Emick Bio

Chris EmickChris Emick is a husband to his wife, Debbie and father of two girls, Claire and Lilah. He’s the CEO of Go Bucket Yourself, specializing in not fitting into boxes while dedicated to helping others to live a life rich in adventure, meaning, and abundance and help open doors to people who feel stuck in a life that’s not their own.

He’s a Native Coloradan and loves the great outdoors. Family is super important and he’s grateful to be able to live close to and spend an abundance of time with his wife and kiddos, along with his parents, grandparents, and extended family.

He and his wife were able to leave their “regular” jobs and live off the passive income from their real estate portfolio. It affords them an abundance of time to learn, connect, find solitude, and try to help raise the consciousness of the planet little by little. Through adventures in the outdoors where they connect with other kindred spirits, grow as a tribe and each find their own unique path in this world!

When he’s not traveling with his family, gardening, or snowboarding, you can find him digging a hole to shit in while backpacking in the wild.

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Want to hang out with other FRDs in Austin? Watch this 3-min video from our last Front Row Dads Live event. Tickets avaiable now for December’s event. 

Not able to travel?  We got you. Join our next online event, built just for kickass dads who know there’s more to learn. 

FRD is solving a huge problem for dads. Our culture has turned “Dad” into a joke. Go ahead, google Dad and you’ll find Dad Bod, Dad Jokes, Dad Weed, etc. Culturally, it’s a Homer Simpson mentality, and it’s BS.   

Our community is built for solid men. Men with range. Those who are badass, and know there’s still more to learn, together.  

Most guys find it hard to find “their crew.” Finding other committed men, who are successful in life, and want to put family first – these guys are rare. Is this you? 

In FRD, hundreds of men from all over the world show up for each other, to share resources and raise the bar of fatherhood (our core values.)

If you’re reading this, you want to grow.  Podcasts are great, but guys… when you’re ready to stop just listening to content, and want to JOIN the conversations – the FRD brotherhood is ready for you.  

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