Optimizing Circadian Rhythms, Sleep is a Skill and Daylight & Darkness Management with Mollie Eastman

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Mollie Eastman is the Founder of Sleep Is A Skill, a company she created after facing her own battles with sleep and insomnia that optimizes people’s sleep through a unique blend of technology, accountability, and behavioral changes.

You might be surprised to learn that roughly 33% of adults struggle with sleep. We dig into her expertise on issues like sleep apnea and the warning signs that both men and women should be aware of. We’ll also talk about the benefit of naturally increasing melatonin to improve our overall wellness, in addition to a better sleep.

Mollie also discusses some of the technology, tools, and wearables available, like Oura Rings, that can help us sort out our sleep issues and optimize our Circadian rhythms. Above all else, Mollie will help you understand that getting good sleep isn’t something that just happens if we’re lucky. It’s a skill we can all learn and improve with the right tools and knowledge.

A Wide-Ranging Conversation Through…

  • Fine tuning your Circadian rhythms
  • How 1/3rd of adults struggle with sleep
  • A breakdown on diagnosing sleep apnea
  • How falling asleep instantly could be a red flag
  • How Circadian rhythm improves more than sleep
  • Taking in sunrises and sunsets for better wellness
  • The lights out bedtime routine for kids
  • Why natural melatonin does more than improve sleep
  • Available tech to track & change sleep behaviors
  • How alcohol destroys a good night sleep
  • Mollie’s tips if you’re checking out Thailand
“One of the things I see consistently is that sleep is a skill, it can be trained and we can uplevel no matter where we’re at.” - Mollie Eastman Share on X “We are sleeping a third of our lives. On average, 26 years of our lives are spent asleep. And yet many of us are not looking at this too much.” - Mollie Eastman Share on X “My mission on the planet is to help support people in getting fascinated and interested and curious of this whole wild world, this altered state that we go into every single night.” - Mollie Eastman Share on X


Mollie Eastman Bio

Mollie Eastman is the creator of Sleep Is A Skill, and the host of The Sleep Is A Skill Podcast. Sleep Is A Skill is a company that optimizes people’s sleep through a unique blend of technology, accountability, and behavioral change. After navigating insomnia while traveling internationally, she created what she couldn’t find – a place to go to learn the skill set of sleep.

With a background in behavioral change from The Nonverbal Group, she became fascinated with chronobiology and its practical application to sleep and our overall experience of life. Knowing the difference between a life with sleep and without, she’s now dedicated her life to sharing the forgotten skill set of sleep.

In the spirit of that goal, she has created the #2 sleep podcast, written a popular weekly sleep newsletter for over five years, partnered with luxury hotels & lifestyle brands, coached the world’s top poker players, and has appeared on over 150 podcasts.

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