Conquering Fears, Pursuing a Life of Adventure and Raising Young Explorers with Mike Brcic

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Mike Brcic is an adventurer, writer, entrepreneur, father, and husband on a mission to guide entrepreneurs toward not just wealth but a deeply satisfying and meaningful existence packed with real adventures.

Today, we’re exploring what it means to live adventurously. Mike explains why adventure isn’t just about scaling the tallest peaks. It’s also found in the small journeys and getaways with family and friends that enrich our lives.

Mike reveals how adventures shape us into better partners, parents, and friends. He lays out a roadmap for those looking to break free from comfort, embrace risks, and shake off the monotony of daily life. As a mini cliffhanger (pardon the pun), you also won’t want to miss his harrowing experience dealing with altitude sickness during a climb in Ecuador and his advice on ensuring everyone’s safety while going on shared adventures.

A Wide-Ranging Conversation Through…

  • Kicking off a lifetime of adventure
  • Suffering altitude sickness on a mountain in Ecuador
  • It’s more about the journey than adrenaline
  • Mike’s top 5 fav adventure spots
  • How adventures help us build lasting bonds
  • The costs of living in our comfort zone
  • How to deal with post-adventure blues
  • Mike’s role models
  • We feel most alive in the face of danger
  • Raising young explorers
  • When to push and when to hit the brakes
  • The power of being present and accepting of your kids
“One of the most amazing aspects of a true adventure is the bond you share with the people that are with you on that adventure.” - Mike Brcic Share on X “Life’s too short to compromise on the key aspects of our lives.” - Mike Brcic Share on X “I distill my job as a parent to two things. First, be as present as I can be with my kids and number two, radically accepting them for who they are and communicate that to them.” - Mike Brcic Share on X


Mike Brcic Bio

Mike Brcic is an adventurer, writer, entrepreneur, father, husband, and food enthusiast residing in Toronto, Canada. He is dedicated to leveraging business as a force for positive change in the world, primarily through his company, Wayfinders, and his efforts to educate and consult with impact-driven entrepreneurs.

After selling his previous venture, Sacred Rides, a globally recognized mountain bike adventure company he ran for 22 years, Brcic has focused on developing Wayfinders, crafting impactful events, and delving into the science of connection and belonging.

His mission is deeply intertwined with social enterprise, learning, and sharing knowledge about building businesses that not only succeed financially but also contribute significantly to society​.

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FRD is solving a huge problem for dads. Our culture has turned “Dad” into a joke. Go ahead, google Dad and you’ll find Dad Bod, Dad Jokes, Dad Weed, etc. Culturally, it’s a Homer Simpson mentality, and it’s BS.   

Our community is built for solid men. Men with range. Those who are badass, and know there’s still more to learn, together.  

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In FRD, hundreds of men from all over the world show up for each other, to share resources and raise the bar of fatherhood (our core values.)

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