Taking Ownership of Your Health, Regulating Your Immune System and Controlling Inflammation with Dane Johnson

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Today, I’m joined by Dane Johnson, Founder and CEO of Crohn’s Colitis Lifestyle, the most successful Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) consulting firm worldwide, offering no-BS effective strategies for battling chronic illnesses.

Dane’s personal health journey is beyond inspirational. Having been diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease when he was 22 and there were times when Dane couldn’t walk and was hooked up to a feeding tube. Defying the odds, he completely transformed his health using holistic methods instead of relying on conventional heavy-duty antibiotics and medicines.

In our conversation, you’ll hear the routines, supplements, and life hacks he used to become the best version of himself. Dane’s philosophy is actually quite simple: forget about quick fixes. Real change requires a complete overhaul of your daily life. And sometimes that means re-evaluating the company you keep, and having the discipline to watch everything that you put into your body.

A Wide-Ranging Conversation Through…

  • Facing Crohn’s Colitis in your 20s
  • Consistency over perfection
  • Depression is a feeling that can be changed
  • Removing negative energy from your life
  • Real healing takes time
  • Your family’s balance starts with you
  • Health and happiness first, money second
  • How the food you eat ruins your metabolism
  • The daily blueprint for track results
  • Supplements that really work
  • A proper detox to remove toxins
  • Innovative therapies for boosting your immune system
“Suffering is the gateway to becoming a superhero. You do not get great at something without some form of suffering.” - Dane Johnson Share on X “Most people sacrifice their health to get rich, and then they spend their riches to get healthy.” - Dane Johnson Share on X


Dane Johnson Bio

At 23 years old, Dane Johnson had achieved the seemingly impossible. He was featured in International magazines, commercials, high-profile brands, and events. At the height of his career, Dane was diagnosed with both severe Ulcerative Colitis & Crohn’s Disease, and his life was torn apart. Over the next 4 years, he lost 60lbs, had extreme pain, anemia, no energy, sleepless nights, and was struggling to save his own life.

Fast forward 10 years, Dane not only was able to fully recover from this experience naturally but has helped thousands of people around the world do the same. He has become one of the most successful IBD healers in the world but more importantly a visionary for true healing. He is now the CEO and Founder of Crohn’s Colitis Lifestyle, the largest and most successful IBD consulting firm globally, and one of the few places a chronically sick person can go for true solutions from IBD. He has been featured in Huffington Post and other large media spotlights including 23&Me, What Doctors Don’t Tell You, Ben Greenfield, Wellness Mama, Primal Blueprint, Dr. Steven Gundry, Dr. Zach Bush, Mark Groves, and much more…

Dane is married to Pearl. They have two sons, Jayce and Kaden.

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