Efficient and ECO Conscious Families with Ali Jafarian

Ali Jafarian is a serial entrepreneur and software engineer with over a decade of experience building technology. He built his first website back in 2005 when the internet was a place for tables and Flash. Since then he’s consulted for Fortune 500’s, worked with start-ups in various phases, and launched several online businesses of his own. Ali loves helping start-ups and small businesses with early stage development and growth.

In today’s episode, Ali shares his advice for improving your environment and becoming an eco conscious family.


  • The anxiety of the holidays
  • Running a zero-waste household
  • The 100 things movement
  • “Don’t do nothing because you can’t do everything, do something, anything”
  • How decisions you make today impact 18 generations
  • Creating an eco-friendly environment for your kids
  • Become the king of composting
  • Cutting your trash in half
  • Asking, “Where did this come from, and where is it going next?”
  • Thinking globally, acting locally




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Disclaimer: The transcription you’re about to read was produced digitally. It’s 95% accurate, however at times, the system interprets words incorrectly, so if you’re shrugging your shoulders saying, “What the heck?” — just skip that word/sentence and read on 🙂 Thanks and happy reading!


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