Growing From Conflict & Testing the Minimum Viable Separation Concept to Reconnect with Alex Pardo and Mike Wagner

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In the second episode of our Member Takeover Series this summer, we’re keeping the momentum going with two more powerhouse members of the Brotherhood, featuring Mike Wagner and hosted by Alex Pardo.

Mike doesn’t hold back about his struggles with being genuinely present for his family and how he used work to escape the daily pressures of fatherhood.

A big part of Mike’s recovery is his embodiment practice of “feeling whatever is” and being honest about his emotional struggles in front of his kids. He shares why this practice is not just for him but serves as a live demonstration to his children on managing emotions in healthy ways.

You’ll also hear why Mike recommends testing a concept he adapted from Tucker Max, the Minimum Viable Separation. By spending some time away from our family when we’re feeling disconnected from our loved ones it allows us to reconnect, resolve conflict and show up in healthier and happier ways.

A Wide-Ranging Conversation Through…

  • The metric for quality time = presence
  • Daily practices to get to a flow state
  • Resources for practicing meditation & presence
  • Leading by example with screen time and technology
  • Improving relationships and anger issues starts within
  • Managing conflict by pausing, then communicating
  • Reconnecting with your family values
  • Mike’s daily routines to be at his best
  • Testing the Minimum Viable Separation Concept
“When it comes to quality time, the metric I use is presence.” - Mike Wagner Share on X “If my relationship with something is healthy, the chances that my children and my wife’s relationship with that same thing will also be healthy are very good.” - Mike Wagner Share on X


Alex Pardo Bio

Alex Pardo is a business and real estate expert with over 17 years of real estate investing experience and 14 years of coaching entrepreneurs around the country, Alex is a master at helping entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes reach their full potential.

Mike Wagner Bio

After spending many years jumping through all the hoops the world said he should jump through to “find” success, Mike Wagner realized that doing so wasn’t a game he wanted to play anymore.  After failing to find the fulfillment of chasing the world’s definition of success, Mike made a pretty dramatic shift. He bought an underperforming storage property and quit his job to turn it (and his life) around.

Since then, Mike has used storage to achieve a level of freedom and lifestyle (for himself, his wife, and his kids) that many believe is out of reach. Toward that end, he started the Storage Rebellion in 2018 which has quickly become the premier self-storage training organization as well as the most robust self-storage investing community in the country.

More About Front Row Dads

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Want to hang out with other FRDs in Austin? Watch this 3-min video from our last Front Row Dads Live event. Tickets avaiable now for December’s event. 

Not able to travel?  We got you. Join our next online event, built just for kickass dads who know there’s more to learn. 

FRD is solving a huge problem for dads. Our culture has turned “Dad” into a joke. Go ahead, google Dad and you’ll find Dad Bod, Dad Jokes, Dad Weed, etc. Culturally, it’s a Homer Simpson mentality, and it’s BS.   

Our community is built for solid men. Men with range. Those who are badass, and know there’s still more to learn, together.  

Most guys find it hard to find “their crew.” Finding other committed men, who are successful in life, and want to put family first – these guys are rare. Is this you? 

In FRD, hundreds of men from all over the world show up for each other, to share resources and raise the bar of fatherhood (our core values.)

If you’re reading this, you want to grow.  Podcasts are great, but guys… when you’re ready to stop just listening to content, and want to JOIN the conversations – the FRD brotherhood is ready for you.  

One more thing… 

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