The Advantages of Feeling More, Not Just Better with Charles Clay
For a lot of men, there can be societal pressure to “man up.” Bury your emotions, or look weak.
The problem is, those feelings of pain don’t just go away. Instead, they manifest in unhealthy and unexpected ways. And not just in the moment, but potentially years into the future.
That pressure to suppress our emotions is not always obvious either. I’ve only recently realized that I’ve been subconsciously doing this for years.
Instead of leaning into my emotions, I developed coping strategies:
- I abused alcohol…
- I ran ultramarathons…
- I went through phases of acting selfishly…
- I started a charity that focused on making moments for others…
Looking back, I can tell these were attempts to mask my real pain. Instead of feeling more, I was just trying to feel better.
As a result, the pain piled up. And today, my emotions sometimes get the better of me. My anger can boil over uncontrollably, and unfortunately, my wife and kids are the ones who suffer.
I never truly understood how to master my emotions or feel my feelings all the way through—until now!
So, let me ask you, do your emotions ever manifest into an overwhelming amount of anger, fear, anxiety, despair, depression, or something else? Wouldn’t it be great to uncover what’s really going on and then have a system in place that allows you to have complete control over your feelings?
Gentlemen, if you can relate to the above, you’re going to love today’s episode with Charles Clay. Charles is a Men’s Empowerment Coach, Inner Peace Coach, Neurokinetic Pain Relief Specialist, and Founder of Freedom From Pain.
His unique and powerful tools will empower you to uncover the source of your pain, so you can turn it into purpose.
Sweeping your feelings under the rug stops here. If you’re ready to feel more, and not just better, don’t miss this episode—it’s one of my favorites to date on the subject of emotional mastery!
Charles Clay Podcast Highlights
- Learning to channel your primal rage.
- Helping his Dad battle stage 4 Cancer—and the positive moments Charles took from that experience.
- Why feeling more is the key to healing from grief.
- Are you paying your pain forward to your kids?
- Using the Inner Peace Process to deal with emotional pain—and how Charles gracefully handled a hacker who was holding his private information hostage!
- How your issues can affect your tissues.
- Why is guilt always followed by self-punishment?
- Improving your relationship with anger.
- What is “re-parenting” and how can you use it to develop a better relationship with a younger version of yourself?
- Why being hard on yourself is never the answer to dealing with emotional pain.
- Realizing that your kids can be your greatest teachers!
Charles Clay Links & Other Resources
- Charles Clay Website
- Follow Charles Clay on Facebook and Instagram
- Charles Clay Linktree
- FRD Vibrant Health Online Summit – March 24th
- Ben Pakulski
- Way of the Warrior Kid: From Wimpy to Warrior the Navy SEAL Way: A Novel
Charles Clay Bio
Charles Clay is a Father, Husband, Men’s Empowerment Coach, Inner Peace Coach, Healer, Neurokinetic Pain Relief Specialist and Founder of Freedom From Pain. As a gifted catalyst for healing and an expert on optimizing human potential, Charles helps hardworking professionals transform their pain into purpose and create a life by design instead of by default.
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Disclaimer: The transcription you’re about to read was produced digitally. It’s 95% accurate, however at times, the system interprets words incorrectly. [/read]