Choosing a New Path, Investments & Band of Brothers with Doug Phillips – Part 2
One of the hardest things for a man to do just might be to show how strong they really are by allowing themselves to be vulnerable, let their guard down and talk about their own fears and weaknesses.
By allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, we give permission for others to talk openly about the things that are usually too uncomfortable to talk about.
In part two of my conversation with Doug Phillips, we’re going to dig into that theme and talk about the things we can accomplish if we can just let go of our pride and be honest with ourselves so that we can learn and grow to be better husbands and fathers to our families.
You’ll hear how the pandemic forced Doug’s hand to find a new way to provide for his family and how a band of brothers were able to help him get over his fears and take that first step in his entrepreneurial journey.
We also talk about how it’s so important, maybe even more than ever, to check in on our friends and family because you never really know how someone is doing.
Just because someone’s life seems bright and near-perfect from the outside, that doesn’t mean that they don’t feel alone in the darkness with their own thoughts.
And if you haven’t listened to part one of my conversation with Doug, I highly recommend that you go back and check that out here. Hearing about the affirmation traditions that his family uses was awesome, and I know you’ll get a lot of value from hearing him talk about it.
Doug Phillips Podcast Highlights
- How Covid impacted Doug’s livelihood and how he found a new path to provide for his family.
- Having a support system to challenge you and help to overcome the fear of the unknown can lead to huge successes.
- Why being in a band with the right mix of people makes a big difference and can lead to deeper conversations.
- Being vulnerable gives permission to others to join the conversation and talk about the things that are usually too uncomfortable to open up about.
- How we need to check in with each other, because you never know if someone is having dark moments even though their life looks very bright on the outside.
- If we’re willing to be honest and open with each other with our dark thoughts, oftentimes we quickly realize that we’re not alone.
Doug Phillips Links & Other Resources
Doug Phillips Bio
Doug Phillips is a father of 3 and a husband to his brilliant wife, Becca. He’s a member of the FRD Brotherhood and lives in Austin, TX.
After 15 years of building and leading non-profit organizations, he is Co-Founder of Bronwick Recruiting, a recruiting and staffing agency here in Austin that works with many companies in the construction industry.
Doug definitely lives by the Front Row Dads motto as a family man with a business. In his free time, he can be found bouncing between his kids’ volleyball and golf tournaments and enjoying some time on the trails mountain biking with his boys.
Want to learn more about Front Row Dads?
We are in the business of building better families.
While most dads would say that family matters most, the challenge is they feel guilty knowing their careers get the best of them, and their family seems to get the rest of them.
We help Dads become family men with businesses, not businessmen who have families, so they can thrive personally AND professionally.
Subscribe to the Front Row Dad podcast to learn about fatherhood, marriage and how to level up your game at home, or if you’re ready for the best coaching and true brothers to grow with, Join The Brotherhood.
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Disclaimer: The transcription you’re about to read was produced digitally. It’s 95% accurate, however at times, the system interprets words incorrectly. [/read]