Work-Life Balance is a Myth and Creating Core Family Values with Justin Donald & Brad Johnson

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Next up in the Member Takeover Series, we’ve got a couple of legit OGs from the Brotherhood. We’ve got Justin Donald taking over as the host, and he’s joined by Brad Johnson. As you’ll hear, these two have been on board with what Front Row Dads is all about from the very beginning.

For anyone who doesn’t know, Justin is a wildly successful entrepreneur, author, and host of The Lifestyle Investor podcast. And Brad is certainly no slouch. He’s the co-founder of Triad Partners and host of the Do Business. Do Life podcast. We are all very much in alignment with being successful in business without sacrificing our responsibilities as husbands and fathers.

In this episode, Brad digs into his family’s core values that were created from the Family Brand. You’ll also hear practical tips for entrepreneurs chasing the mythical “work-life balance,” why Brad believes in work-life integrations, and the top lessons they’ve learned to successfully grow a business without sacrificing family, health, or happiness. Enjoy!

A Wide-Ranging Conversation Through…

  • Being a KC Chiefs fan and becoming a Swiftie
  • Building a culture that attracts great talent
  • Pursue work-life integration, not balance
  • Brad’s marriage advice to avoid a doom loop
  • Creating family values with the Family Brand
  • Brad and Justin’s early start in podcasting
  • Who is more OG at Front Row Dads?
  • The impact of having an accountability partner
  • Family first, business second
“Life's too short to not do business with people you want to do life with.” – Brad Johnson Share on X “I think even work-life balance is a myth. Work-life integration is the truth. It's how does the business serve your life, not become your life.” – Brad Johnson Share on X “All the money in the world doesn't matter if you don't have people to share it with and create memories with.” – Brad Johnson Share on X


Brad Johnson Bio

Brad Johnson is currently building Triad Partners with an incredible team in Lawrence, KS. We partner with the top 1% of independent growth-minded financial advisors who are looking to scale their business beyond themselves.

Brad was fortunate to get into finance at the age of 26 and witnessed first-hand many of the largest growth stories in the independent space as a former VP of Advisor Development at Advisors Excel. I coached a group of independent advisors who gathered $1.5B+ of assets annually before stepping away to pursue my current venture.

When not working, you can find me enjoying time with my family at our home in rural Silver Lake, Kansas. I’m blessed to have met the woman I was meant to spend the rest of my life with while still in high school. Sarah, easily has the more challenging career between us as she spends her days at home with our three young children: Braun, Nash, and Nellie (no easy task!). Sarah also stays busy coaching high school volleyball with four former state championship teams to her credit!

For hobbies, I enjoy staying physically active with CrossFit, bass fishing in our pond, and collecting (and drinking) red wine! Recently I’ve rediscovered my passion for sports card collecting with my boys as well. I’m also passionate about giving to causes that help children in need, here is a list of a few of my favorite charities: Make-A-Wish, World Teacher Aid, The Help Foundation, Front Row Foundation.

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FRD is solving a huge problem for dads. Our culture has turned “Dad” into a joke. Go ahead, google Dad and you’ll find Dad Bod, Dad Jokes, Dad Weed, etc. Culturally, it’s a Homer Simpson mentality, and it’s BS.   

Our community is built for solid men. Men with range. Those who are badass, and know there’s still more to learn, together.  

Most guys find it hard to find “their crew.” Finding other committed men, who are successful in life, and want to put family first – these guys are rare. Is this you? 

In FRD, hundreds of men from all over the world show up for each other, to share resources and raise the bar of fatherhood (our core values.)

If you’re reading this, you want to grow.  Podcasts are great, but guys… when you’re ready to stop just listening to content, and want to JOIN the conversations – the FRD brotherhood is ready for you.  

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