Somatic Coaching & Anger Therapy Concepts and Breaking Free of “I’m Not Enough” with Matt Drinkhahn & Michael Chu

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In the first episode of our Member Takeover Series this summer, we’re kicking things off with two incredible humans and VIP members of the Brotherhood, featuring Michael Chu and hosted by Matt Drinkhahn.

In this conversation, Mike shares some of the childhood wounds that he’s worked on since becoming a parent, from overcoming his belief that he “wasn’t good enough” despite enjoying tremendous success in creating multiple 7-figure businesses and being a National Champion in martial arts to managing BIG feelings, anger, and frustration with somatic coaching & therapy concepts.

You’ll also hear how Mike uses a “Stop, Drop & Roll” technique to manage stress and conflict with his wife and children which has helped him to be a better partner to his spouse and Dad to his kids.

It’s easy to forget that when the women we love are upset, they just want to be heard. They aren’t asking us big, strong men to fix the problem immediately, a lesson Mike has learned and now manages with his superpower and calming presence. Enjoy!

A Wide-Ranging Conversation Through…

  • Breaking free of the “suck it up” mentality
  • Mike’s rough start on his journey of becoming a Dad
  • Healing childhood wounds with somatic coaching
  • Mike’s “Stop, Drop and Roll” tools for dealing with anger
  • Pass “the test” by getting out of your own head
  • Demonstrate that feeling your feelings is a strength
  • Therapy is ongoing, like muscles, use it or lose it
  • Hold space for their feelings first instead of fixing the problem
“Your body remembers what the mind forgets.” - Michael Chu Share on X “We’re always one good deep breath away from a completely different emotional experience.” - Michael Chu Share on X “What we resist, persists, until it expands and one day explodes.” - Michael Chu Share on X


Matt Drinkhahn & Michael Chu Bio

Matt Drinkhahn is a father, executive coach, and host of the Eternal Optimist Podcast. With a background in entrepreneurship, Matt has experienced the challenges of perfectionism and workaholism firsthand. He now helps others overcome these obstacles and achieve success while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Michael Chu is the Founder & CEO of Champion Development, which helps coaches and managers achieve peak performance. He has created five separate 7-figure businesses over the last 15 years that help hundreds around the world find their hidden pockets of power and revenue.

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FRD is solving a huge problem for dads. Our culture has turned “Dad” into a joke. Go ahead, google Dad and you’ll find Dad Bod, Dad Jokes, Dad Weed, etc. Culturally, it’s a Homer Simpson mentality, and it’s BS.   

Our community is built for solid men. Men with range. Those who are badass, and know there’s still more to learn, together.  

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