The Pitfalls of People Pleasing, Becoming Mr. Right and a Journey of Family Experiences with Mike Green

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Mike Green is a loving husband, father of two amazing kids and a trusted voice in the FRD Brotherhood. Professionally, he’s an ER physician who has been able to shape and sculpt his life around creating memories with his family, even while working long hours, including 24 and 48-hour shifts at the ER.

In our chat, we went deep on the pitfalls of being a people pleaser and how that can stunt and even derail relationships when we try to be somebody other than our true selves. Mike also shares several smile-inducing memories about his childhood with his Dad, from spending his early years on a houseboat in the Bahamas and the work/life balance mindset he inherited to creating a make-shift aquarium in the bathtub for weeks at a time with live fish and turtles. 🤣

Before we wrapped things up, Mike opened up about what it means to him to be a part of the Brotherhood, to have a safe place to be real and have honest conversations with other men who are all striving to be better Dads and husbands despite having different opinions on many topics. That’s something that definitely resonates with me and probably many of you too. Enjoy!

A Wide-Ranging Conversation Through…

  • Two superpowers Mike got from his Dad
  • Early life living on a houseboat in the Bahamas
  • Being afraid of Dad as a child
  • Work/life balance lessons from Dad
  • Shaping your calendar to sculpt your life
  • The golden nuggets from the Health Summit
  • Becoming Mr. Right vs finding Mrs. Right
  • Balancing boundaries, trust with people pleasing
  • Planning future family experiences
  • How about Father’s Day FRD Meetups?
  • Why FRD is a safe space to be real
“I think self-esteem comes from unconditional love and support. If you just show up for whatever your kids are doing and they have no doubt in their mind that they are loved. I think that's the foundation of that self-confidence.” - Mike… Share on X “We try to make birthdays a great family experience. I'm not looking to sit on the beach in 20 years. I'm looking for the journey of all the experiences we're going to have on the way.” - Mike Green Share on X


Mike Green Bio

Mike Green is husband and father of two amazing kids. Professionally, he’s an emergency physician with a side hustle in medical aesthetics.

Before having children, he enjoyed 30 years of self-indulgence. Over the past 20 years, he prioritizes work/life balance and intentional life sculpting and constantly seeks ways to grow and evolve, winning in life on multiple levels.

He would describe his family as a curious, fun-loving group open to new experiences and challenges that loves spending quality time together regardless of the activity.

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FRD is solving a huge problem for dads. Our culture has turned “Dad” into a joke. Go ahead, google Dad and you’ll find Dad Bod, Dad Jokes, Dad Weed, etc. Culturally, it’s a Homer Simpson mentality, and it’s BS.   

Our community is built for solid men. Men with range. Those who are badass, and know there’s still more to learn, together.  

Most guys find it hard to find “their crew.” Finding other committed men, who are successful in life, and want to put family first – these guys are rare. Is this you? 

In FRD, hundreds of men from all over the world show up for each other, to share resources and raise the bar of fatherhood (our core values.)

If you’re reading this, you want to grow.  Podcasts are great, but guys… when you’re ready to stop just listening to content, and want to JOIN the conversations – the FRD brotherhood is ready for you.  

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