Rites of Passage for Boys with Jon Tyson

Jon Tyson is a Pastor and Church Planter in New York City. Originally from Adelaide Australia, Jon moved to the United States over 2 decades ago with a passion to seek and cultivate renewal in the Western Church. He is the author of Sacred Roots, A Creative Minority and The Burden is Light. Jon lives in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood of Manhattan with his wife and two children. He serves as the Lead Pastor of Church of the City New York.

In this episode, Jon discusses his program “Primal Path”, a right of passage. He shares how his connection with God guided him in raising his sons and building a strong family relationship.


  • The difference between intentional and involved fathers
  • What Mormans are doing that we should all learn from
  • What it means to win his sons heart
  • Hiking the Camino in 33 days
  • Stop trying not to sin, and start living with a full heart
  • Learning to honor the past and family history
  • Daily connections, weekly investments and monthly challenges
  • What will your kids remember forever?
  • Will your kids bring you their sin?
  • Does your kid think, “Dad can help!”
  • When NOT to read books!
  • Use your gifts and design a life you’ll be proud of


  • I’m not trying to make you a good man, I’m just trying to help you to be good at being a man.” –  Jon Tyson
  • “There is so much power in imputing ,leaning, and naming moments and creating traditions.That’s what it means to be made in the image of God and have dominion.” –  Jon Tyson




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Disclaimer: The transcription you’re about to read was produced digitally. It’s 95% accurate, however at times, the system interprets words incorrectly, so if you’re shrugging your shoulders saying, “What the heck?” — just skip that word/sentence and read on 🙂 Thanks and happy reading

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