Brent Perkins Hiking

The Art of Surrendering and Breaking Free of Our Self-Delusions with Brent Perkins

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Anyone who has been in a loving marriage will tell you that there are peaks and valleys along the way. So what happens when things aren’t going so well? 

For some, playing the blame game and pretending you’re the victim is the natural response. But as today’s guest will tell you, when you fully surrender and ask yourself some tough questions about your role in the relationship, a pathway to move forward in the midst of a dark time can be found.

After enjoying tremendous success for over 20 years as a serial entrepreneur, Brent Perkins’ life shifted in 2021 with a difficult divorce. This led him on a journey of personal growth and a book called Papercuts: The Art of Self-Delusion.

Brent is a Dad to two amazing daughters and has already made a huge impact in our FRD Brotherhood. His contributions have led to a significant increase in participation in our Bands which has been awesome to watch.

So, today we’re talking about what it really means to surrender, the role that blissful ignorance plays in our relationships and how the truths that we believe can become illusions. And if we can embrace the art of self-delusion in a positive way, we can flip the narrative and move forward in a happier and healthier way.

In our conversation, you’ll learn:

  • Strategies for modeling, trust, vulnerability, and awareness in our kids.
  • The difference between surrendering and victimhood.
  • How to recognize, unpack, and shatter our self-delusions.

Here are my favorite moments from our conversation:

  • Surrendering to the good and bad in life without playing the victim game.
  • Pitfalls to our pursuit of personal growth.
  • Moments that build anxiety and fear in ourselves.
  • Guiding our kids to vulnerability and earning their trust.
  • Want to help others? Help yourself first.
  • Being grateful for the moments when we were jerks.
  • The power of creating space to be vulnerable with other men.
  • How we unintentionally harm those that try to support us.

“I hope the book gives people permission. I hope it gives them permission to explore themselves in a way they never have because I don't feel like I had that permission in my life.” – Brent Perkins Share on X

“Delusions don’t have to be bad, we just need to realize that we’re artists. And that we can embrace the art of self-delusion in a positive way.” – Brent Perkins Share on X

“It’s amazing how much empathy men have even though we’re told we don’t have it.” – Brent Perkins Share on X

Brent Perkins Links & Other Resources

Brent Perkins Bio

Brent PerkinsBrent Perkins is a father of two amazing daughters and a lover of life, nature, and community. In his late 30s, he began a journey to unravel the pain and trauma surrounding the lack of love and trust he never had for himself. With the help and wisdom of friends, plant medicine, books, guides, teachers, and a deep soul awakening, he stepped out of his 20+ year career as an entrepreneur and CEO and started listening deeper.

In the ten years leading up to 2011, Brent was a serial entrepreneur, having founded multiple real estate and banking businesses. Before Brent’s hiatus from the corporate world, he was CEO at Scynce LED from 2017 through the end of 2022. Scynce was a fledgling startup when he joined and was inducted into the Inc. 5000 in 2022 when he left.

With his first book, Papercuts: The Art of Self Delusion, set to launch in the summer of 2023, he is on a mission to help others break free from victimhood and embrace a life of integrity.

As an active member of the men’s group Front Row Dads’ community, he is committed to pursuing time, location, and financial freedom and supporting other dads with a family-first, business-second mindset.

Want to learn more about Front Row Dads? 

We are in the business of building better families.

While most dads would say that family matters most, the challenge is they feel guilty knowing their careers get the best of them, and their family seems to get the rest of them.

We help Dads become family men with businesses, not businessmen who have families, so they can thrive personally AND professionally.

Subscribe to the Front Row Dad podcast to learn about fatherhood, marriage and how to level up your game at home, or if you’re ready for the best coaching and true brothers to grow with, Join The Brotherhood.

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