Living Abroad With Kids with Derek Fredrickson

When I heard that Derek Fredrickson moved his family to Paris, I knew we needed to talk.

Anytime someone takes a big leap, I’m tuned in.

I love when people find clarity about who they are, what they want, and then have the courage to chase their dreams.

Todays show is about all that and more.

During our chat, Derek and I talk about…

  • Downsizing from a big house in Connecticut to apartment living in Paris
  • The challenges of uprooting your entire life and moving to a foreign country
  • The power of shaking up your schedule
  • Habits, routines and rituals
  • Sacred family time
  • The best time to book a family vacation

More About Derek Fredrickson …

He’s a Father, Husband, & Entrepreneur, who’s living the dream in Paris, France.

I first met Derek because he’s crushing it in business as the CEO of  

He’s a great example of a good guy who’s winning at life.  

His professional experience and expertise is with Small Business Development; Digital Marketing & Sales Strategy; Business Growth; Online Marketing & Sales.

When he’s not “running the show” at Boldheart, you’ll catch him skiing in the Alps, drinking French red wine and spending time in Paris with his wife Fabienne and their three lovely children. 

For more information, visit

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