Goal Setting For Couples: Making 2019 Your Best Year Ever as a Family

About Geoff Woods

Geoff Woods is a friend here in Austin. He’s married to his beautiful wife Amy Woods and father to two awesome kids, Daphne and Dean Woods.

Professionally, he’s the Vice President of The ONE Thing and hosts The ONE Thing podcast which is in the top 5% of all podcasts in the world. After hearing the Jim Rohn quote that “you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with” Geoff set out on a mission to surround himself with high level CEOs and successful entrepreneurs. Fast forward just 10 months, Geoff went from employee to entrepreneur, launching a company with the co-authors of the best selling book The ONE Thing. Geoff has been featured in Entrepreneur.com and is on a mission to teach people how to take back control of their time and get clarity on how they want to invest it.

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