The Heart of the Spark with Jonathan Fields – Part 1

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As I get older there’s a lot less fear around being myself. I’ve become conscious of my truest nature and don’t feel the need to seek approval from others. This has allowed me to feed my curiosity for learning while also being present for my kids, Tiger and Ocean.

My guest, the very humble Jonathan Fields, is talking about this exact change in self-perception, something he refers to as your Sparketype. 

He believes that we change in depth, quality, and self-awareness as we get older—a shift that he talks about in his new book, SPARKED: Discover Your Unique Imprint for Work That Makes You Come Alive.

Jonathan is a speaker, award-winning author, and creator of multiple businesses. Today he takes a deep dive into our states of mind and shows us how we can come alive at work and at home.

Jonathan shares his thoughts on identity, his organic life lessons, and helps us balance the spectrum of fulfillment—something that we all struggle with as entrepreneurial dads. 

Tune in to this amazing conversation that I know will spark your inspiration.

Some of the topics I discuss in Part 1 with Jonathan Fields

  • Does the context matter in how you’re seen or witnessed?
  • What’s the identity you wear versus the identity that you are
  • Can it be bad to feel centered?
  • How do we create ideas, practices, and tools around the context of work?
  • How to become intentional in all the roles in your life.
  • The dark side to figuring out what you’re supposed to do, and getting absorbed with the work that you’re doing.
  • What is the spectrum of fulfillment?
  • Having the conversation with your partner to make sure you have a circuit breaker in place from your pursuits.
“If you’re a parent, that doesn’t mean that every part of the role of parenting is something that has to be deeply nourishing and fulfilling.”- @jonathanfields Share on X “You can always get more time for your business, but you can’t always get more time with your family.”- @jonathanfields Share on X

Jonathan Fields Links & Other Resources

Jonathan Fields Bio

Jonathan Fields

Jonathan Fields is a husband, dad, TED Talks speaker, an award-winning author of SPARKED: Discover Your Unique Imprint for Work That Makes You Come Alive, executive producer, and host of Good Life Project Podcast®, one of the highest ranked podcasts in the world. Jonathan has founded numerous businesses that focus on human potential, eventually developing Sparketype® Assessment, to cultivate work that makes people come alive and help people unlock their true purpose. 

He’s been featured in The New York Times, FastCompany, The Wall Street Journal, Inc., Entrepreneur, Forbes, Oprah Magazine, Elle, Allure, The Guardian, and many more.

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We are in the business of building better families.

While most dads would say that family matters most, the challenge is they feel guilty knowing their careers get the best of them, and their family seems to get the rest of them.

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Disclaimer: The transcription you’re about to read was produced digitally. It’s 95% accurate, however at times, the system interprets words incorrectly. [/read]

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