Being a Whole Life Millionaire and Living the R.I.C.H. Life with Matt Aitchison



Don’t have time for the full interview? Here is a short clip from the discussion!

Today’s guest is Matt Aitchison, who became a millionaire at a very young age and has since been very intentional about prioritizing what matters most in life – including his family.

He shares what it means to be a whole life millionaire and living the “R.I.C.H.” life – which he breaks down into 4 key areas: Relationships, Income, Community and Health. In our conversation, we dive into each of these pillars, and much more!    

Gold Nuggets

  • Matt’s view on relationships, income, community, and health
  • The lead domino for being a fully weaponized man
  • Why congruity makes him dangerous
  • Bouncing back from rock bottom moments
  • Getting emotionally connected to people in your family?
  • The relationship recharge processes


Go Deeper





  • “Rich means having plentiful relationships, personal and professional. That’s when I feel really wealthy.” – Matt Aitchison
  • “I communicate to my kids, I discipline, I acknowledge, and I celebrate in terms of our core values.’’ – Matt Aitchison
  • “It’s nobody’s job to teach you, to empower you, or to put you in positions to win but yourself.” – Matt Aitchison

More about Matt Aitchison

Matt Aitchison is a real estate investor, business coach, speaker and philanthropist. He’s flipped hundreds of houses, built a Top 1000 real estate team in the U.S, and now focuses solely on scaling his passive income portfolio made up of commercial strip centers, a hotel, and single family rentals.

Matt is extremely passionate about helping others create more wealth, freedom, and fulfillment in their life and business through real estate and business investment opportunities and is also the host of the Millionaire Mindcast, a Top 100 ranked business podcast.

Most importantly, he’s a husband to his amazing wife Marie and two beautiful daughters, Ella and Evelyn.

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While most dads would say that family matters most, the challenge is they feel guilty knowing their careers get the best of them, and their family seems to get the rest of them.

We help Dads become family men with businesses, not businessmen who have families, so they can thrive personally AND professionally.

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Disclaimer: The transcription you’re about to read was produced digitally. It’s 95% accurate, however at times, the system interprets words incorrectly, so if you’re shrugging your shoulders saying, “What the heck?” — just skip that word/sentence and read on 🙂 Thanks and happy reading

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