pat rigsby

Ideal Family Impact: Coaching Philosophies for Kids & Parents (In Life & Business)

About Pat Rigsby

Pat Rigsby is a dad, husband, business coach, author, and entrepreneur who has built over 25 different businesses, including two Entrepreneur Franchise 500 award-winning franchises. He got his entrepreneurial start by opening a personal training business and health club. With no money to get these businesses off the ground, he was living with his family in the basement of a shared home. Before long, he started to have some real success (including moving out of the basement), and looked to expand his businesses. Over the next few years, his small personal training business grew to a network of successful businesses ranging from franchises and certification companies to info-marketing and real estate.

Pat then found his true calling (coaching and consulting) and has inspired entrepreneurs through his coaching program and bestselling book The IDEAL Business Formula. He’s shared his journey onstage in front of thousands, and has been featured in Entrepreneur, Men’s Health, USA Today, and hundreds of other media outlets. For Pat, the best part is that he’s been able to do all this while working from home, coaching his kids’ sports teams, and enjoying a type of entrepreneurial lifestyle he never would have thought possible just a few years ago.

Today he coaches entrepreneurs to create their Ideal Business, one that allows them to earn more profits, have a greater impact, and enjoy more freedom to enjoy life.

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