Adventures with Kids, Making Memories and Family Influence with Tyler Gunter

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What matters more–providing for our families, or being there for our spouses and our kids while we make incredible memories?

When I learned that entrepreneur Tyler Gunter decided to make big changes in his life and retired at the age of 30 to show up for his family first and his business second, I knew I needed to talk to him. 

Tyler is the founder of Adventure Dads, a group of about a dozen dads that take trips with their children of all ages. They’ve gone spelunking, rode go-karts, and explored artificial biospheres, to name just a few of their activities. More importantly, they’ve also helped kids foster incredible friendships and forge connections within their community.

In our conversation today, Tyler and I talk about the power of influence and mentorship when it comes to our kids–and how we can be a positive presence in our kids’ lives, even when they stop wanting to listen to us. We also talk about what it means to live a balanced and intentional life, and the beauty of learning to let go.

Tyler Gunter’s Podcast Highlights

  • What is Adventure Dads and why did Tyler create it?
  • Who are the people we want to be actively involved in our kids’ lives?
  • How can we have serious conversations about real issues with our kids?
  • How do our kids’ friends influence them–and how can we have an influence on our kids’ friends?
  • What makes going on adventures with our kids so valuable?
  • The moment that taught Tyler and his wife that nothing could make up for lost time together.
  • How do you know who will show up for your family if something happens to you?
  • How can tragedy bring out the best in a family or a community?
  • How can you reverse engineer a life of intention?
  • What Tyler does when he screws up or knows he lost his cool.
“It’s not really the adventure, it’s who they're riding with, that’s the magic.” - Tyler Gunter Share on X “It’s not about crafting the environment. Maybe it’s about surrendering to it.” - @jonvroman Share on X

Tyler Gunter’s Links & Other Resources

Tyler Gunter’s Bio

Tyler Gunter is a loving husband of 12 years and a father to three children first and foremost. He’s also an Entrepreneur, Investor, Author and Consultant. As a specialist in turn around projects, he has successfully owned and assisted in the turn around of several companies over the past 15 years.  

After a challenging birth experience for him and his wife when their twins were born, he quickly realized that the most important role he had was to be a present Husband and Father.  

Tyler turned his focus to creating an environment where he could be more available to his family and tied less to his business, and within just a few short years he retired before the age of 30. Since then he has helped many others find their passion and strategy to intentionally create a life full of balance and freedom.

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Disclaimer: The transcription you’re about to read was produced digitally. It’s 95% accurate, however at times, the system interprets words incorrectly. [/read]

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