The Wealth & Legacy Online Summit – Group Chat with FRD Members!

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What does Wealth & Legacy mean to you?

So many of us get trapped trying to get to that next level (in our business and careers), without thinking about the family values we say are so important to us.

Are you building your family around your business, or is your business being built around your family? Because there’s a big difference!

At Front Row Dads, one of the 6 pillars we focus on is Wealth & Legacy— and to us, that means a lot more than just making money.

Here’s how we define it…

Responsibly using our vast resources to create an abundant life for kids and generations to come.” 

If that sounds like the type of wealth you want to build, then you won’t want to miss today’s episode.

I’m speaking with Front Row Dad members, Steve Bouchard, Matthew Sprang, and Oliver Wolf about our Wealth & Legacy Online Summit happening on January 20th.

Not only will this summit allow you to learn from world-class experts, but it’s a tremendous opportunity to create deep and meaningful relationships with like minded Dads. Learn more on today’s discussion!

 Podcast Highlights

  • What is the Front Row Dads Online Summit?
  • Why should someone participate? “Couldn’t I just Google it?
  • Learn what’s in store for the event, including guest speakers and the major topics we’ll be covering.
  • The definition of Wealth & Legacy for Front Row Dads
  • Building wealth that your kids will appreciate (and not take for granted)
  • The tremendous impact past FRD online summits have had on our members.
  • How is Front Row Dads different from any other group in the world?
  • Why “I don’t have the time” is a bad excuse for not joining FRD.
  • How to get involved in Front Row Dads.

Links & Other Resources

Want to learn more about Front Row Dads? 

We are in the business of building better families.

While most dads would say that family matters most, the challenge is they feel guilty knowing their careers get the best of them, and their family seems to get the rest of them.

We help Dads become family men with businesses, not businessmen who have families, so they can thrive personally AND professionally.

Subscribe to the Front Row Dad podcast to learn about fatherhood, marriage and how to level up your game at home, or if you’re ready for the best coaching and true brothers to grow with, Join The Brotherhood.

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Disclaimer: The transcription you’re about to read was produced digitally. It’s 95% accurate, however at times, the system interprets words incorrectly. [/read]

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