Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day Fellas.

A very powerful podcast dropped today.

Please listen.

In the show, Dr. Zach nailed it when he said “If you see the beauty, then you will experience love.”

Today, for Father’s Day, here’s your mission.

See the beauty in your wife.

See the beauty in your kids.

See the beauty (yes, beauty) in your father, and the father figures you’ve had in your life.

See the beauty within yourself.

Yeah, I said beauty.

Someone once said to me when I used the word beauty, they said..

“Beauty sounds weak”

How do you view that word? Not manly enough?

There is strength in seeing the beauty in all people — in our planet.

If you want to hear a fresh perspective on fatherhood, marriage, raising kids and the overall health of humanity, listen to this podcast and share it others.

The Evolved Father with Zach Bush MD

My guest today is someone I respect immensely.

Meet Zach Bush MD.

He’s a triple board certified physician (one of the few in the country) specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care.

He is an internationally recognized educator and thought leader on the microbiome as it relates to health, disease, and food systems.

In his own words…

“My kids are the driving force behind my passion for change. I am fiercely motivated by a desire to have my children experience a much brighter and healthier future. My educational efforts provide a grassroots foundation from which we can launch change in our legislative decisions, ultimately up-shifting consumer behavior to bring about radical change in the mega industries of big farming, big pharma, and western medicine at large.”

Men, please listen to this show, and share it with the world.

Zach’s message is an important one, and by uniting now, we can change the course of humanity, and ultimately save our planet.

Listen now: https://frontrowdads.com/zach-bush/

With respect and love,


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