Matthew Christiansen

Rites of Passage Adventures, Building a Million Dollar Business by 18, Living Through Dark Days, & Growing up with a Legendary Dad with Matthew Christiansen

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When times are good, it’s easy to show up as a parent. But it’s a hell of a lot tougher to do that when life throws a few curveballs at you.

That’s why we need to cherish every moment we spend with our loved ones. We’re not promised tomorrow, so the best we can do is make today count.

Today’s guest, Matthew Christiansen, is someone I look up to as a parent and someone I’m honored to call my friend. Matthew is a father of 3, the CEO of the game development studio Mount Verita and the former CEO of Bright Bridge Web.

Matthew and his family recently went through one of the most unspeakable tragedies a family can go through: The loss of a child. His son died a month after birth, leaving a hole that can never be replaced.

But Matthew still celebrates his son every day. He does that through his relationship with his three other kids, his work, and his relationship with his parents and wife. Everything he does in life is done with love, kindness, and intention, thus honoring the memory of his lost son.

Today, we discuss the importance of being intentional with the time you spend with loved ones, how to raise successful, happy, and confident children, and why it’s essential to stick to your healthy routines during those dark days.

Mark Your Calendars and Sign up!

Our next Online Summit is on November 10th from 12pm-3:30 ET where we’ll be focusing on the Emotional Intelligence Pillar and our nervous system. You’ll learn how to stay cool, calm and collected in those moments that you feel triggered.

And our Inaugural FRD Live Summit is happening from Dec. 2nd-4th here in Austin, Texas. That’s right. It’s LIVE and in person! Capacity is limited, so sign up at to book your spot today!

Matthew Christiansen Podcast Highlights

  • Why just 30 minutes of daily focused time with your children can drastically impact your relationship with them.
  • Why it’s critical to praise your kids’ effort instead of their results.
  • The habits that helped him recover from depression after losing his son.
  • How Matthew built his first business at the age of 16, and scaled it to 20 employees without any outside investment.
  • Why it’s important to have brothers that will call you out on your bullshit but will also share your grief when needed.
  • What’s it like to live in the shadow of a legendary dad that has changed the lives of millions.
“Unconditional love is more important than business and success.” - Matthew Christiansen Share on X “It’s OK to not be OK sometimes.” - Matthew Christiansen Share on X “In a thousand years, everything we have done will disappear. What carries on is family.” - Matthew Christiansen Share on X

Matthew Christiansen Links & Other Resources

Matthew Christiansen Bio

Matthew Christiansen

Matthew Christiansen is a husband and father of 3 who is also the CEO of the game development studio, Mount Verita. He’s the former CEO of Bright Bridge Web, a musician, a guitar teacher, a tennis instructor, and an avid rock climber.

Want to learn more about Front Row Dads? 

We are in the business of building better families.

While most dads would say that family matters most, the challenge is they feel guilty knowing their careers get the best of them, and their family seems to get the rest of them.

We help Dads become family men with businesses, not businessmen who have families, so they can thrive personally AND professionally.

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