Living Abroad With Kids with Derek Fredrickson
When I heard that Derek Fredrickson moved his family to Paris, I knew we needed to talk. Anytime someone takes a big […]
The 5 Hour School Week: Rethinking Education, Family Dynamics and Global Adventures
Aaron Amuchastegui has been married for ten years and has 4 children. He is an entrepreneur that likes to run his businesses on the road while traveling with his family. In 2017, he and his family spent 3 weeks traveling and educating on the road for every one week they spent at home.
Making Big Moves: The Story of Selling It All and Moving the Family Overseas
Dai Manuel is a super dad, dating his wife and currently doing life with his family around the globe. He is also an award-winning digital thought leader and author, executive performance coach and certified lifestyle mentor who empowers people to lead a FUN-ctionally fit life through education, encouragement, and community.
World Schooling: The Story of One Families Quest to be the First Ever to Travel to all 193 Countries
About Ricky Shetty Ricky Shetty is the owner and operator of Daddy Blogger, where he writes about parenting from a father’s perspective with a […]
Joey Coleman on How to Effectively Blend Your Business and Personal Life, on the Road
About Joey Coleman When organizations like Whirlpool, NASA, Deloitte, the World Bank, and Zappos need to boost their customers’ experience, they call […]
Leading An Epic Family Life
Aaron Amuchastegui has been married for ten years and has 4 children. He is an entrepreneur that likes to run his businesses on the road while traveling with his family. In 2017, he and his family spent 3 weeks traveling and educating on the road for every one week they spent at home.